
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cinnamon Lovers' Peach Pie

I recently picked out some fresh peaches from a Farmers' Market and decided I'd try my hand at a peach pie. I love cinnamon in both sweet and savory dishes, so I made it the other main flavor of the pie. With the summer peaches and the cinnamon which is often reminiscent of autumn, this pie is the perfect late August treat!


2 rolled out unbaked pie crusts (top and bottom)


6 Peaches
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 TBSP Cinnamon
1/4 Cup Cornstarch

For Crust:

1/8 Cup Sugar
1/2 TSP Cinnamon

1. Preheat the oven to 475 degrees (Fahrenheit) and put one of the pie crusts in a pie pan - leave the other rolled out.

2. Peel and slice peaches and put then in a large bowl.

3. Mix the sugar, cinnamon, and cornstarch together and slowly add the dry mixture to the peaches. stir gently with a spoon or your hands until until the mixture has been absorbed into the peaches' juices.

4. Pour filling into the pie pan.

5. Mix together sugar and cinnamon for the crust and sprinkle it over the rolled out dough. Press the cinnamon and sugar down into the dough as best as you can with a wide spoon or a measuring cup.

6. Cut the dough into six pieces and lay three on top of the pie next to each other, and then place the other three over them to make a criss-cross pattern.

7. Place the pie pan on a lipped cookie sheet and put in the oven for eight minutes.

8. Reduce the heat to 350 degrees and bake for an hour until the crust has turned brown and the filling is bubbling.


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